Meet My farmer part two/ Nour-Ish Farm ( Vancouver Island)
I like to say, know your food know your farmer. This piece is about Nour-ish Farm and the owners Lorne and Cindy MacCallum.
These two lovely folks can be found weekly at the Qualicum Farmers market and that is where we have had our conversations over the last few years. They have an incredible display of fresh delicious produce at very reasonable prices.
As a food teacher, I love to know my food story and Lorne and Cindy have a good one- they were not always farmers. They left their busy career and decided to make a lifestyle change. This led them to buy some land, put in copious amounts of labor, and started growing their own food. Ten years later here they are as a thriving certified organic farm. Nour-Ish Farm is BC organic certified and the owners are proud of it. I am always in envy of how beautiful their food looks and last year I asked the secret...well it is in lots of care of course but also feeding the plant. Their wonderful vegetables are not a trade secret as they also sell plants to put in your garden and make their organic plant food available to purchase. I buy a bag of their plant feed annually as It gives my garden plants that extra little nourishment they are needing.
I watch people at the farmer market line up to purchase their goods and Lorne and Cindy seem to know each one by name. Every time I purchase food I am delighted with the quality of an eco-friendly organic product. The greens are so lush you feel like you can absorb the nutrients just holding them- well just kidding I need to eat it first but they look so good I do want to eat them.
As I wander off with my purchase I feel like I have done my part, even just a little, by purchasing local organic foods and supporting our farmers.
Lorne and Cindy can be found in North Qualicum and be reached through their website
Get to know your farmer and check them out